True. They have seemed to have found the formula to make the grind fun and addictive. I was just worried what I would do once I overcame the grinding fun. It's why I didn't feel the urge to play the beta any longer after I maxed out my levels.
True. They have seemed to have found the formula to make the grind fun and addictive. I was just worried what I would do once I overcame the grinding fun. It's why I didn't feel the urge to play the beta any longer after I maxed out my levels.
In all honesty I shouldn't even be here. This site breaks one of my pet peeves with 90's spellings. Pixlbit, not Pixelbit. Because poor literacy is kewl! It's why I won't drink MTN Dew or fully appricate the RWBY web series.
Yet i have not found a gaming site that has a robust blog set up as this ones. Most sites either have forums or just comment sections. That's not enough for me. Though I haven't been one for community due to being so busy and antisocial, I hope stick it out here till my blogs eventually get banned. 1up.com will be missed but looking forward to sharing in the fun that is this site. Here's to five years with more to come on pixlbit. (I feel so dirty saying it. =P)
Last years game hunt for Calling for the Nintendo Wii.
Drove over an hour and a half to find the game at a decent price. has no book but case and game were in fine condition. No way I'd spend $40+ for it though. $20 was about right. Best Octoberween title buy by far!
It's funny you should mention this game at this moment. Around this time last year I highlighted this game as one of my Top 11 Octoberween Titles for 2013. Glad to see more poeple are coming to enjoy this little gem. Too bad we'll never see a sequel. Make sure to DL all the extra DLC goodies for the game!
Intesresting take. It seems that most reviewers are taking the high road in expecting more of the game later on. It looks like I dodged a bullet with this game.
Probably there is a good chance. i wrote a comparison piece of this game last year during Octoberween that shared my disapointment on what happened to The Bureau when it was known as XCOM back then. I'd still want to try it if only to see the final result of a game I was interested it. To see if they truley jacked it up or if there is anything salvageable from the original concept of a XCOM FPS.
I'm putting the finishing touches on my Octoberween blogs for next month. It's starting to look lke October will be my blog a day octoberween event. Still hoping to relink/repost your vs comparison of corpse party. I'll admit it, that game is in my top 11 this year!
It seems everyone here is having sucky problems with their systems. My PS3 died awhile back forcing me to choose between a PS4 or a new PS3 and Snee's PS3 disc reader died on him.
Congrats on the new job. Kinda had the same thing when I was out there. But instead of finding a new job I just bugged out and never looked back!
Octoberween is coming....Octoberween is coming.....
I still need to watch First Class before I get to this movie. I don't want to be confused if I watch this one first.
So that's 151 actual comics for $15? makes me wonder if tehy are worth it given taht cheep of a price.
I'd say big daddy. The handyman has the heart weak point that the big daddy drill could take care of. Plus big daddy does have a dash move that could take Handyman off guard. Even with Handyman's strengh and up close battle would take awhile given how heavly armored Big Daddy is.
also if you need more proof of what Big Daddy can do in other attacks and win, here is video proof to bolster my claims...