I just am not a big podcast listener. I listen to a few but I certainly couldnt make a list, Ill check a few of these out. Maybe Ill come to like them more.
I kind of thought about getting it but I think I shall wait. Tactical like games arent my biggest jam so I can wait awhile.
Yes, I'm excited to job search! Thank you!
My favorite Zelda to this day is Twilight Princess. I absolutely loved it and Im so excited about the remake. When Hyrule Warriors was announced my top choice was Midna being a character. I kept being told it "wouldnt happen" but guess what, they was wrong! I also enjoyed Wind Waker though I was really taken for a spin when I noticed how fast the ending creeped up. I was just not expecting it to end when it did. 30 years is a long but beautiful time.
Thank you Snee, Its been a long few months so this good news as really made me happy!
Thank you!
My brother and his friends are helping so I don't have to pay a rental truck thankfully. My brothers all favor trucks so we have the vehicles to move stuff. I would use one though if that wasn't the case.