I am assuming that Zelda has a greater role in the game once you complete the fused shadows. I would probably want to replay the game on the Wii at some point. I am enjoying myself so far, so I could see myself replaying at some point.
I am assuming that Zelda has a greater role in the game once you complete the fused shadows. I would probably want to replay the game on the Wii at some point. I am enjoying myself so far, so I could see myself replaying at some point.
I am finding that a lot of the characters are pretty funny. I had to chuckle when Malo took over the shop in Kakariko Village.
Unless I am mistaken, you can play nearly every single Zelda game on the Wii U, with the exception of the GB, GBC and DS games. So, the Wii U is probably the best console to have to enjoy the series.
I just remembered the one Zelda trope that might explain somethings. In a traditional Zelda game you are introduced to the world and there are typically 3 dungeons that you must complete, then something happens to change either the world or Link and that opens up another set of dungeons...
No, I have not played any Zelda that was released after Majoras Mask, except A Link Between Worlds.
so I have the DS ones to play, WindWaker, Skyward Sword and even Minish Cap
I have no issues with the cel-shaded graphics of WindWaker. In fact, I plan to tackle that one sometime in the near future.
A regular Wii, or GameCube will suffice.
I think that Twilight Princess could use an HD remake. More to fix some of the issues that I am having with it so far. The game still looks pretty good, especially for being 8 years old.
The novelty must have worn off... in fact I know it has. I love so many games on the Wii, I just hate the controls.
Yes, yes you are. Happens to me all the time. And of course, when I just want to check the time on my phone, I get jumped all over for looking in the direction of my phone.