I must check if any of the Jade Cocoon games are on PSN. I need something to play on my Vita and didn't have a chance to grab it on the ps1.
My favourite ps1 rpg is probably FF7 but that isn't exactly original....
Yeah the more I think about Bayonetta the more I'm looking forward to starting it. I've never played a Platinum game before so it'll be a learning experience
My wife and I are househunting at the moment so your past weekend will be mine in a few months. Ugh indeed
I've been playing Assassins Creed Liberation on the Vita. This is the only AssCreed i've played and I think it's decent. I'm about 3 hours in i'd say but for some reason it's not holding my attention. I'm not sure i'll ever get around to playing the others
Yeah Bayonetta has been on my list for a while. Finally decided just to take the plunge and grab it off Amazon for like $15
Sounds fun. I'm not exactly Mr. Originality so hopefully I get some nice choices to import
haha I played through the Uncharted series a couple of months back. A good buy at least
I actually think the changes make for a better game. Different strokes for different folks I suppose