That is what happens when you come from a land flowing with beer, Milwaukee, and just so happened to go to school for cooking.
That is what happens when you come from a land flowing with beer, Milwaukee, and just so happened to go to school for cooking.
If I am not mistaken, the picture that you are referring to is actually something that samurai would be carried around in. That one was a replicate, but there was an authentic one elsewhere in the museum that was for female passengers.
I don't actually know, but we did think that it was some sort of a wedding thing. It was pretty cool seeing people dressed up in the old garb...
My sister has been over there for about a year and a half at this point. She is as much of a food snob as I am, so she only took us to the best of places.
Also, this trip was really expensive... and we lucked out and were able to save a bunch on lodging because my sister is currently living over there.
Whatever the standard fried dumpling that you can get aroudn here. we also had some that were filled with some sort of chicken stock or something. It was a lot of good food. The noodle dish and soup that they made with the rest of the duck was nothing to right home about, that picture didn't make it into the album... i think it is on my phone.
I recently got all of my old consoles back and am actually a little interested in hooking up the original Xbox or PS2 to play some of my favourite games from that era. It was such a good time for videogames. Been tempted to get F-Zero GX since I have a gamecube lying about.
As I may have said once before. I cannot remember the last game that I played 3 times back to back to back.... that is a lie, I played Metroid Fusion 3 times in a row in an attempt to get my time down under 80 minutes. Either way, Wolfenstein did that and I rarely ever do that.
I think that I should read more and actually finish the last 100 pages of The Lies of Locke Lamora. Or maybe start all of the comic books and trades that I have lying about the house. I don't, I seem to just play videogames.
I apparently need to get on those 3DS platformers like Kirby and Yoshi's Island. Since I have not played either of them I cannot comment on whether or not they are better than Shovel Knight, but I really do love Shovel Knight. So, at this point in the year Shovel Knight gets my best 2D platformer award.
During the steam sale all I picked up was Shovel Knight, for the 3DS.