Actually I think the new Kirby game is more like Half Life than Fallout.
Actually I think the new Kirby game is more like Half Life than Fallout.
I think you can also play Bugsnax on PS4. I'd like to play that one, but I haven't found the time yet. Can't play 'em all, you know. One thing that makes me want to play Bugsnax is that it's made by the same folks who did Octodad.
I think the dark Sonic character is Shadow.
Yeah Puzzle Fighter's not a fighting game, but I don't care. I like it anyway. So there.
Even though I'm not a big Darkstalkers fan, I have to say the sprite artwork and character design in that game is spot on. Capcom was really on point with that one. It's hard to believe those games came out in the mid 90s.
Stage Select:
1. I want a new Tomba game. There were only 2 of them on the PSOne. They were made by a long dead company called Whoopee Camp, headed by a designer who worked on games for Capcom like Ghosts N Goblins and Mega Man. They were great 2-D platformers.
2. Steambot Chronicles. This was a Japanese kind of open world game where you play in the early 20th century in industrial revolution times, but instead of driving around Model T's, you drive bipedal mechs that you can battle. There was one game on the PS2, a side game on the PSP that focused on battling, and a game where the characters play the board game Blokus on the PSP. There was going to be a sequel on the PS3, but Irem went out of business. In Japan, this game series was called Bumpy Trot.
3. Tail Concerto. This was a 3-D action game where you are a police dog named Waffle driving a mech trying to catch criminal kittens. The team behind this game later went to do a lot of the .hack games. Later they came back and did a sequel called Solatorobo on the DS, but it didn't have the charm of the original game. They had too much .hack anime influences by then! Still a fun game, though, and I'd like to see them return to the charm and innocence of the original if they did another one.
I know you said only list three, but I'd also like to add that if Capcom released Mega Man Legends 3 on a new console that I don't have, I would totally buy that console. Better yet, a sequel to The Misadventures of Tron Bonne.
I'm working on reviewing Capcom Fighting Collection right now! Any Darkstalkers fan should definitely pick it up, as it has all the arcade versions of Darkstalkers and its sequels that were both in Japan and the US.
For some reason, Darkstalkers never really grabbed me, though. I just wasn't into the movie monster motif, and fighting games aren't my favorite anyway. I also don't like Morrigan that much, even though everyone else seems to. I guess if I HAD to pick a favorite character, it would be Hsien-Ko because she has silly attacks.
But the collection is still good. I'm really glad it has Gem Fighter on it. And ESPECIALLY Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. That game's worth the price of the whole collection right there. Man I love that game. It's one of my top three all time favorite puzzle games, right alongside Puzzle Bobble and plain ol' Tetris. I'm really good at it, too.
Well I don't know any easy way to play them unfortunately. Unless you do the emulation thing. But maybe you can try Reshrined one day.
Those Happy Meal toys look cute. I was going to see the new Thor movie with my brother, but he went and saw it with friends so I guess I'll just wait until it hits Disney+. Shouldn't be too long, since the new Dr. Strange movie came out on Disney+ a couple of weeks ago. I'll probably see the Lightyear movie that way also.
Samba de Amigo IS a pretty cool game. But no, my favorite SEGA characters are Ulala, Tails, and Ristar (Ristar's not a racer in the games, though).
Have you played any other games in the series?