Yeah the Tingle game looks like a cross between Zelda and a Wario Land game.
Yeah the Tingle game looks like a cross between Zelda and a Wario Land game.
I hope to get my copy of Yoshi's New Island this evening!
I liked Juni and Juli because I like to think they were M. Bison's bumbling sidekicks lke Bebop and Rocksteady and would always mess things up. I know that's not how they are, but I think it would be funny if that was the case. If I were a bad guy, I'd like to have Juni and Juli on my team.
I don't know much about the Udon comics, but it would be cool if the new character were a circus strongwoman or something like that.
I don't remember too many celebrity games, but I did review one of the Jillian Michaels fitness games and it was fairly decent.
One year at E3, a bunch of celebrity fitness instructor ladies invited me to a press breakfast to promote a new fitness game they were working on. I enjoyed that.
Michael Jackson was also in the Space Channel 5 games.
I haven't been to the new Cowboys Stadium because tickets and parking is so expensive.
Yeah I was pretty bummed when 1up went down, too, since I had been there for nearly 8 years. I'm glad PixlBit is around since it's the closest thing to what made 1up so great.
Here's my 3DS friend code. Does Bravely Default have seperate codes? I can't remember.
Send me a message with yours so I can remember to key it in.
Awww, so you don't approve of Cammy and Grune (just joking).
Yeah Grune is awesome. Did you ever play Legendia all the way to the very end?
Well Barney is purple, so that debunks that little statement right there.