Yeah I have a feeling you like green, too.
Yeah I have a feeling you like green, too.
I didn't like Beyond Good and Evil because the stealth sections were crappy.
Oh yeah, Tingle is great. i wish we could've gotten his own game in the US: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland.
Yeah that dinosaur looks like he's about to eat that hamburger.
A new dinosaur games comes out at the end of this week, but it's kind of the opposite of Turok. Yoshi's New Island! Yay!
Easy fix: skip all those other games and just get Yoshi's New Island. There, problem solved.
Because Aeris was dumb, that's why.
New blog up, by the way.
I used a Phoenix Down on you. And a super cure potion. And a Jolt cola. And spinach. Don't die.
Hey now, go easy on Natsume.
Have you ever played Pokemon Snap? I bet you'd like it.
In Sonic Lost World, there is supposed to be a downloadable Zelda themed level later. They already have a Yoshi level.
Yeah I read some reviews for Inazuma Eleven and they were all glowing, but I didn't like it as much. We can't like 'em all. It'll be interesting to see your review and read what you didn't like about Weapon Shop, and see how that compares to what I liked about it!
I remember getting this game for the N64, but i can't remember if I reviewed it or not. I know it was one of the last N64 games that came out.