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transmet2033's Comments - Page 9

Episode 141: My Gamer Academia

Posted on 11/11/2018 at 09:42 PM | Filed Under Feature

I am starting to feel a little bad that I ever thought Patrick was a little much...  I still think he is, but compared to Mike,,,  ....  well, I don't even know what to say

Episode 141: My Gamer Academia

Posted on 11/11/2018 at 11:44 AM | Filed Under Feature

I was begining to think Mike was a big mistake for Patrick's sake.   It felt like zing after zing after zing.

Episode 141: My Gamer Academia

Posted on 11/08/2018 at 09:13 AM | Filed Under Feature

My desert island game would probably end up being The Witcher III.  It would give me a reason to finally start it. 

First Question.  What does Patrick drink?   

Second Question.  Fuck Marry Kill.  Jill Valentine, Samus Aran, Chun-Li 

Third Question:  Desert Island Game.  Just one, no runner ups or honorable mentions.

Fourth Question:  What would the ideal sequel to your favorite gaming franchise look like?

Fifth Question:  what does Julian think about Tabata leaving Square?  I feel like Julian could have a lot to say about this...  or nothing at all.

Episode 140: The Curse of The Halloween Havoc

Posted on 10/27/2018 at 09:52 AM | Filed Under Feature

The truth is, I have always found Patrick's topics to be a little too nebulous and heady for me.  I find it difficult to think creatively enough about games to come up to his level.

I think that gaming is pervasive enough that I am not sure how one would go about gamifying the education system any more than it already is.  My wife is a teacher and a couple weeks ago we set up an escape room activity for her students.  Isn't that enough gamification?

Ranking 2D Castlevania Games

Posted on 10/22/2018 at 04:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

All this tells me is that i need to scrounge up a DS or 3DS to replay the DS games.

First Impressions: Evil Within 2 and Iconoclasts

Posted on 09/30/2018 at 02:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I am enjoying it.  

First Impressions: Evil Within 2 and Iconoclasts

Posted on 09/30/2018 at 02:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I appreciate the open area of Chapter 3 so far.  It has allowed me to decompress from the pure stress that was the previous chapter. That isn't to say that I have not been sitting at the edge of my seat the entire time I am playing, just that I can pick and choose.

First Impressions: Evil Within 2 and Iconoclasts

Posted on 09/30/2018 at 01:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I am sitting at 5 hours on my save file and am just now finishing up chapter 3.  It makes me feel better knowing that I should not have to spend as much time in the subsequent chapters.  If it keeps up the tension, I think that it will be on par with Dead Space for me by the end.

Episode 138: Check Out Our Huge Sacks

Posted on 09/28/2018 at 11:58 AM | Filed Under Feature

I am okay with Patrick changing his pick to The Witcher 3.  I do have to disagree with his deconstruction of the game having just finished it again.  Of course I cannot remember any of my argument anymore since I waited too long afte listening to comment.

Also, that DLC was an expansion released further after the initial release than The Witcher 3's first paid expansion.   Bloodborne was a March release, the Old Hunters was November.  The Witcher 3 was a May release and Hearts and Stone was October....  Just Sayin.

Quick Thoughts: Bloodborne

Posted on 09/26/2018 at 10:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

You may as well just go and play RE4.  That game is great, and far less frustrating.

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