I know a lot of people hate chiptunes. For me, I can still really appreciate that music. In a lot of ways I think it's far more distinct and varied than most modern music. Now, every game has sweeping and majestic orchestrated music, but very little of it stands out.
Yeah, the first episode is actually in a ton of languages, although episode 2 appears to only be in English and Spanish at the moment.
They've gone on record that you can use tablets and smart phones as second screen experiences, but I have yet to hear of the Vita being used in that way so far.
Personally, I think that's an E3 2014 announcement. It seems like an obvious fit, and I'd love for them to make the Vita a success.
I know what you mean about JRPG being used as a pejorative. I never use it that way. I feel that the change in vernacular came this generation because games like Mass Effect and Fallout 3 brought the PC-style RPG to console owners in a big way. When I think Western RPG I think tech trees, dialogue trees, and typically a more open world. When I think JRPG I think high production values, sweeping soundtracks, a linear story, and unique battle mechanics.
It's true that none of the big consoles sold as well in Japan, but that's exactly why they should look into expanding their audience. It wouldn't take much for a JRPG to appeal to Western gamers, but to do so would require that Japanese developers take a long, studied look at Western games, which few designers do. I think that's why I like Hideo Kojima so much, because he's very aware of the entire video game market, not just his home turf.
Yeah, I think that's a great comparison, although Asura's Wrath default ending isn't nearly as vague as Alan Wake's. The people that Asura wants dead get dead. It's not a very complicated story, but it's told well.
This is the one I'm looking for, some day. I own the Collector's Edition for 2 and 3, but when the first game came out I didn't know how much I would love it, so I just got the regular edition. It's since been signed by composer Jack Wall, but I'd still like this one for the collection.
Ugh, I get so tired of people saying this. Asura's Wrath ends just fine without the DLC. There is one little story thread that they left dangling, which I assumed would lead into a sequel. Instead, it was the hook for the DLC. It's a great game, but it's not for everybody.
Ooh, nice one! I actually convinced my mom to buy Mystic Quest for me when we went to buy Super Metroid, because it was only 20 bucks. It was certainly RPG light, but I played all the way through it twice, and I do remember some great music from it.
There are two collector's editions that I really want, even though I own the regular editions already: Alan Wake and the first Mass Effect. Alan Wake is still reasonable, but Mass Effect is crazy expensive.