Real nice guys, thanks for breaking the site! Oh, hey, wait, what have I just done here?
Real nice guys, thanks for breaking the site! Oh, hey, wait, what have I just done here?
Hahaha, awesome!
Wow, this looks fantastic, I'm going to have to throw some money at this. Thanks for the heads up!
I can promise you, I definitely DID NOT obtain a copy of this yesterday. And I WILL NOT play it with a wired Xbox 360 controller on my PC. Also my wife WILL NOT play along with me with another PC gaming controller.
None of this CAN or WILL happen. Never. Seriously.
Yeah, absolutely agreed. There should definitely be more criteria for acceptance, but I don't get the impression that the folks who did the admittance are exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. Furthermore, they seem to look primarily at data from compete.com, which is honestly complete and total garbage. But whatever, it's not even worth complaining any more. /endrant
Same here... as a matter of fact, there's the truck right now!
"Swing your arms from side to side, come on, let's go, it's time, do the Mario!"
Welcome to PixlBit, sir!
Another great, authentically scary gaming series - Fatal Frame. I'd say they're easily my favorite Survival Horror titles and probably one of the more overlooked series in the genre. Definitely not as out there as Silent Hill, but there's plenty of genuine scares to be had and the environment and ambiance is almost perfect.
The requirements for E3 have gotten completely out of hand. We still haven't applied yet because we're waiting for the uptick in viewership to register and hopefully that gets us a couple passes.
Last year we were just flat out denied for any passes and only got one the year before that. I'm not really sure how many sites out there are really posting the numbers they expect. My guess is that they want more passes for paid attendees (i.e. exhibitors) and as such have snubbed a large portion of the smaller gaming media.
Sadly, I think this has really filtered up to the exhibitors and I don't think E3 has maintained the same presence it once had. These days it seems like all of the big news is released in private press events for a select group. Furthermore, the really big deal stuff at E3 is all demoed privately for the big sites who are "judges." One day I need to write a Rage Quit on the absolute BS of the politics of this industry.
Of course, I don't do this for a living, so it's not like it's a huge deal for me from a monetary standpoint, but a lot of the joy has gotten sucked from being enthusiast press in this day and age.
The email I got is just a straight up voucher for 10 free dollars on PSN, but they must be used by 3/25.