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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 84

BaD Couple of Days

Posted on 02/17/2016 at 12:08 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks. Do it. I think  it's the greatest thing Marvel has done with the exception of Jessica Jones - Even though it's Fox and not Marvel doing it...

BaD Couple of Days

Posted on 02/17/2016 at 12:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I feel like it's lt's like an episode of South Park: about half the jokes fall flat and the creators are far too happy with themselves - but the jokes that land hit hard. Especially the 127 hours joke, the xmen alt timelines, everything to do with his room mate etc. And the action was great.

 The ending was a bit meh, and yeah, apart from wanting to kill deadpool for calling him francis, the villain was a bit meh. Also, this had the opposite problem of most movies in that the worst jokes were in the trailers.

 All in all, I had a great time. It was a really fun movie that carried through it's flaws with great energy. Plus, I've always loved Deadpool, even though he can be annoying as fuck. 

P.S. it may help my enjoyment that we were sitting next to 4 little old ladies who laughed harder than anyone else at every really dirty joke.

BaD Couple of Days

Posted on 02/17/2016 at 12:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I look forward to talking about it this weekend. Also, about the podcast, from now on, we talk about one subject each - 1 movie, 1 game, 1 tv show, 1 book. If you don't want to talk about book, you can talk about 2 of another subject. 3 hours is far too long to listen to two people :p

 Yeah. The problem isn't reading. I can barely be bothered replying to my own comments let alone commenting on other peoples blogs. But I'm going to try. Maybe one blog for each person per week or something. Idk, I'll work something out.

BaD Couple of Days

Posted on 02/16/2016 at 10:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah im going to see it again in a few days. Tabletop warhammer is great! Super expensive. I almlst regret getting it, but its something ive wanted to teu somce i was like 8.

BaD Couple of Days

Posted on 02/16/2016 at 10:14 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Honestly its probably a mix of dry weather, lack of sleep, and lots of looking at screens.

BaD Update

Posted on 02/09/2016 at 03:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

They're expensive as shit. It cost $180 for the set and $140 for the paints, glues, plastic cutters etc I needed, and I only bought base paints!

Most BaD: Part Games 2016 Anticipated of 5

Posted on 02/06/2016 at 07:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Right? I've been looking for more Action RPGs since Path of Exile stole my life, and this one looks like just the ticket.

BaD: Remember blogging is not required on weekends

Posted on 02/06/2016 at 07:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah. Well we're a day ahead of you, so I start on Tuesday and blog until Saturday.

BaD: Remember blogging is not required on weekends

Posted on 02/06/2016 at 03:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Remember: You're not the boss of me. Bitch.

 Honestly, I forgot what day it was. I use weekends to catch up on blogs I missed generally.

Most BaD: Part Games 2016 Anticipated of 5

Posted on 02/06/2016 at 03:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I wouldn't say you're a hipster. You're just one of those people for whom the creative lethargy of triple a games has gone too far.

 Doom wasn't the first fps. Neither was wolfenstein either. Why compare 90's shooters to those if catacombs 3d existed first? Because they popularised it and are an easy talking point for most people. Blade Runner didn't invent cyberpunk or dystopian future but most people have seen it so it's easier to bring that up than a more obscure work that you're audience won't get.

 The Souls series popularised defensive stamina management based sword and board combat along with minimalist storytelling. It's not lazy on our if these developers are constantly saying "We want to be Dark Souls!" It is lazy on my part that I want to play all of them because of it though :p

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