Besides Simons Quest it is my favorite.
Besides Simons Quest it is my favorite.
I was very impressed as well.
The end is absolutely crazy I wont ruin it for ya but its the toughest boss battle I ever played.
Rook they have the Heritage Collection coming out which has all the Assassin’s Creed games minus black flag which I plan on getting.
Matt dont get me wrong its still early and the ps4 is not even close to functioning like it will I just thought the Xbox One had some of the coolest features I ever saw but as far as games I play it will be the ps4.
Its way to early to tell cause its the software companys that will make or brek a system.
Its a hobby for me that keeps me out of trouble and keeps me busy where if I wasnt I may be in bars etc so to me I love em and the bonus it keeps me out of trouble lol!!
This will be one of your favorite games wow!! What a story and its very very touching I have never had a game get me teary eyed but this one did lol!!
This collection is really cool and if you like LOS1 then you will like the add ons and the mirrors of fate and the demo for LOS2 is epic and I cant wait!!
Lord of shasows 2 is like 1 but vamed up but hey its no Castlevania symphony of the night but its still a blast but to each there own right.