Thats handy, cool. Thanks for the heads'up.
Thats handy, cool. Thanks for the heads'up.
FF12 was not bad , it had its flaws but I liked it. I have no love for 10 or 10-2, key reasons being the characters, story and in the case of 10 a shallow combat system. For the most part these games just don't feel like FF games to me. I agree they handled a lot of the rigid linear issues in 13-2, but I still don't care for most of the characters. In fact thats probably the biggest factor, every since 10 the character have just been pretty much unlikeable. But this is just my opinion, some people did not get in to this series till 10 and like all the new stuff.
On the one hand I really have not liked the direction Final Fantasy has gone since FFX. I actually enjoyed XIII more than I thought I would, but they have strayed so far from the roots of this series. I figure I will give it a try via Gamefly or when it gets cheap, but I have pretty much given up on Final Fantasy ever reclaiming it former glory.
Well on the bright side they have guaranteed that they just earned a spot in the Guiness World Book of records for most doomed to fail video game console. The folks at Nintendo are probably relieved as hell and Sony is licking their chops like a wolf in a pig pin.
Chrono Cross was a good game, very innovative and I loved the music. But Chrono Trigger is simply a must play masterpiece.
My dream game would have to be a third entry in the Chrono Trigger universe. I heard years ago that Square had got the copyrite to the name Chrono Blade, that was over ten years ago already. So they have done traveling chronologicaly through time and explored parralell time lines, so I think it would be cool to do a game that lets you do both. And Maybe give it a combat system that is kind of a hybrid of the systems from other two games. Give it a new cast but load it with cameos of characters from the first two. 3-D cell shaded graphics like DQ8 and get Toriyama back on character and monster design duty.Yeah... probably never gonna happen.
You got me curious so I googled it, there actually were manga and novel adaptions for Final Fantasy's 2,3, 11, and 12. The only thing I found for FF9 was a fan fiction prequel.
Not that I know of, not in english anyway, but I would not be supprised if there was a Japan only Manga of it floating around. That is a very cool idea though.
There have been a lot of characters from books, video games, and movies that have made an impression on me and how I look at the world. Music too. For me this is what artistic expression is all about. Plus everybody gets something different, no two people are likely to interpret something in the same way.
In regards to FFIX each character was facing really the same question to some degree. What is the purpose of my life and how shou I live it? Vivi's delima was the most obvious, but Steiner questioned if his life was only to serve the pricess. Freya felt she was cursed to be alone although it was really her choice all along. There is some really deep shit going on, thats why it is my favorite of the PS1 Final Fantasies.
Yeah, unless its some limited under the radar thing like Xenoblade waitings is a good strategy. In fact thats my reason for having a gamefly subscription so I can try games out and see if they are worth buying ot not.