Never played Lost Odyssey.
Never played Lost Odyssey.
The BK games are so bad they're good.
I liked to use Okami dog, Tron Bonne, and She-Hulk. I would've included Phoenix Wright, but he was actually too hard to use.
Well at only 20 bucks, I wasn't too disappointed.
I saw GameCube Kameo at E3 one year.
Yeah they'll make figures out of anything. When Aardman did clay animated DC shorts, they even made figures of those! I did review Scribblenauts Unmasked a while back, though.
Happy Birthday! I made you special cupcakes that gives you super powers when you eat them.
Never played a Dynasty Warriors game but I'm sure I'll have fun trying it out with this. Not the first time Nintendo and Koei got together for a mixup. Last year we had Pokemon Conquest.
Nope, haven't played Dust. Yeah if I knew how many titles I would have downloaded on my 360, I would've invested in a larger hard drive!
Super Meatboy for hard for hard's sake, so I didn't like it very much. Geometry Wars is all right, but I'm not a big fan of Robotron style games usually. I'm not very good at them either!