I agree. It was a serious weakness with Binary Domain & including co-op during the story would have been easy too.
I agree. It was a serious weakness with Binary Domain & including co-op during the story would have been easy too.
I'm tempted to boycott Fox News,Matt. So tempted!
I prefer the term saltine waifer! Stop being racist,bro! As for Ashley Graham, good heavens she could be annoying sometimes! I get she's no "elite navy seal" but I'm sure Leon could have taught her to use a pistol. Then there's Ada who is pretty much a coldhearted manipulator who plays every side. Leon's tastes in women kind of sucks. Still, I could at least "like" Ada.
I love RE4 but the storyline and characters are throw-away cheese for the most part. Kind of makes you wonder what RE 4 would have been with better writing.
That stated,the game was tense,atmospheric,and scary when I was not splitting my sides laughing. As an experience I'd compare RE 4 to Evil dead 2!
I'm for fair reprsentation,Blake. Yet I also want there to continue to be diversity too! Kind of a precarious tight rope to walk but films and books have done it for years. Games are simply a young medium and need to catch up!
But again, I like diversity. I enjoy protagonists like Alice from Madness Returns but I'm also fond of lovable ditzes like Juliet Starling! There's no reason to phase out either archetype.
I actually liked Binary Domain a bit more than Gears Of War 2. Too bad the campaign was solo only. I would have enjoyed playing it through with friends!
Hard-gay is the best super-hero chef ever! He needs his own manga & anime! It's ironic the actor who plays the character is not really gay.
I understand how that might be "offensive" but I think the zen of life is about laughing at ourselves just as much as laughing at others. The problem is people cannot take many jokes these days,Joaquim.
I'd love for there to be another numbered sequel to the main series as well,Kev! The Phantasy Star portable games are really good though. I'm having a lot of fun!
I'm not big on new release hype either. Most games I like are kind of outdated,remakes of classic titles, or have been around since the PS1/snes eras. I do not think it is because games today "suck" though I do tend to think we had more variety and more choices in the past. (Actually it simply boils down to me having a 360 instead of a PS3. I noticed there is still more diversity on not only the PS3 but also handhelds.)
The battle system can be difficult. Once I got passed the learning curve the game got much more enjoyable,Pete.
It was the Xbox's launch rpg. In other words, flashy enough to get our attention but it does not hold up as well when pitted against rpgs that came after it. It is still a fun time though!