Posted on 04/02/2020 at 08:59 PM
| Filed Under Feature
STAGE SELECT: What are 3 games you love, but have never played?
Punch Out! NES - Definitely a fan of the music and what the gameplay looks like, but the only thing I grew up with related to it were the NES itself (on which I do not remember playing Punch Out!) and the Simpsons episode where Homer steals cable to watch the fight. But I dig watching playthroughs on YouTube, as it looks like a fun challenge. It helps that one of the only gaming YouTubers I can tolerate/like (Dan Avidan) is a big fan.
Yakuza PS2 - I feel zero need to play it at this point, other than maybe to hear the English dub with Mark Hamill as Majima and Eliza Dushku as Yumi, but you know exactly why I put this here. I'm a bit tired of being the "Yakuza guy," as I do like and play lots of other games (Death Stranding and Sega Genesis Mini currently ... in addition to Yakuza 5) but there's a reason I'm such an evangelist for this series, and it all started with this supposedly jank ass game ... Julian should have known I meant Kiwami in that one Cage Match fiasco.
Sonic '06 360/PS3/Linux - I will never play it, but it is such a source of entertainment and at this point kind of charming in its badness. Sonic Boom just wasn't broken enough to be as hilarious as this horribly rushed game for a major franchise.
VIDEO GAME CAGE MATCH: Centipede vs Galaga
Played online versions of both and even without sound, Galaga was just smoother and more engaging. Also, the Galaga ship may not be able to move other than left/right in the version I played, while Centipede can move up a bit, but the Galaga ship doesn't get stopped by a bunch of mushrooms. Galaga wins the cage match by throwing mushrooms at Centipede.