the time is now! PS3 and PSP titles are starting to get dirt cheep now with the expection of some specific choice titles (like RPGs). Hopefully you can find stores that have a $5 for 5 offer.
the time is now! PS3 and PSP titles are starting to get dirt cheep now with the expection of some specific choice titles (like RPGs). Hopefully you can find stores that have a $5 for 5 offer.
Sounds like you had a great weekend set up for you. Glad you enjoyed it from the gaming maddness that is #GamerGate
I still get a giggle out this!
The only Atari 2600 titles I played back then was pac-man and space invaders. Never heard of that Ford movie. Never heard of this game you speak of.
That one actually sounds like a winner of a flavor combination. too bad it falls flat.
Fine. I'll get around to watching the movie and seeing if my local library has the comic around. I don't think I'll buy them.
I'm still waiting for 28 months later.....
The sad part to all of that is that sadly none of those scenes really interested me in that movie. I think I even have the movie at home (as an Xmas gift) and have yet to watch it. I know it's odd, it has all the signs of a good zombie movie yet not even seeing who the "camero" character in that movie moved me to give it a go. Not sure why.
congrats to you. I must've missed that blog entry you did.
I finally got around to looking up this #GamerGate thing and almost fell out of my chair laughing. I recognize that there are some important core issues to address but they way they are being handle is just down right hilarious.
I can see why people are starting to hate the internet over this but I don't see why we have to defend ourselves as gamers over the "games" we play. Not everyone is going to like what we play or even decide on what consistutes a game or even the content of the said game. but at the end of the day the only gamer that a gamer has to answer for is themseleves. I myself enjoy killing people in my games to thie point where if there was a body counter for all my lifetime kills I'd be up for warcrimes against humanity!
But you don't see me defending my likes in gaming and my gaming tastes. I could care less. if I got trashed I wouldn't care. most people on here are faceless people to me who may or may not be who they say they are. If someone wants to have an intelligent converstation about things the I'm welcome to it. But this current #GamerGate thing is anythiing but intelligent. Still a good laugh though.
Ive heard the bad rep the game got but I still want to give it a try. the trailer and concept of the game sounds intersting. the only thing I kight notmlike about it would be how they treated the story lore of racoon city's final moments.