Ask SanAndreas. I took him there when he came up to visit. And he's been to the market I work at, too.
Ask SanAndreas. I took him there when he came up to visit. And he's been to the market I work at, too.
Symphonia was my introduction to the series, too. It was one of the first games I got when I bought my Game Cube. I didn't like it at first, so I put it back on the shelf and a year or so later I picked it up and tried it again. Glad I did, because I really enjoyed it. And I've grabbed all the Tales games I can, too. Some I've liked better than others, but I think Symphonia will always be my favorite. The first Xillia may be a close second, though.
Have you gotten Zestiria yet?
I'm spoiled for choice in my area. There's Bull Moose Music (a chain, but a local chain), Game Box Video Games, and The Fun Box Monster Emporium all within a half-hour's drive from my house.
I love Game Box. The staff is fantastic, I've never had the "OMG! It's a girl in a video game store!" reaction there, and there's a female staff member who I hit it off with immediately. And there's a back room that usually has some sort of table top game going on.; And did I mention they sell comics?
I rationalized buying ToZ by realizing that I've bought very few games this year, and most of them were used. And it will keep me occupied for a very long time.
Bull Moose Music had that Star Wars card/model thing for quite a while (maybe they still do, I try to stay away when I don't have a lot of disposable income), and I thought of getting some of them for Jason at one point, but we had so much junk kicking around I decided against it.
Those sneakers are pretty cool.
And awesome photos, as always.
OI think a lot of the Bond preference thing may have to do with whether you read the books or not. I'd read almost all of them before I ever saw a Bond movie, and I have to say I really wasn't a huge Bond fan until the Daniel Craig fims. I hate the Roger Moore ones, by the way.
I've had that problem with the PSN store myself, with my PS3. I've gone the point card way myself since then.
I only saw Casino Royale a couple of years ago. Liked it so well I bought it on BluRay. I bought Okami when it came out, but I never finished it. And it would be two more years before I got a current (at that time) gen system.
You have a good voice, Matt. And I agree, I sing because it's fun.
There's a big "shop local" move in Maine. Everything from farmers' markets to mom and pop businesses. That's one of the things I really like about the market I work at: they have made it a point to sell as much local food and other products as possible, and they have the vendors in on the weekends to give out samples and talk about their products.
Oh, that scavenger hunt was so much fun! There were a lot of prizes to choose from, but I had my heart set on that basket of honey products from the start. Jason took longer to pick out his prize.
Yeah, I figure I have a couple of weeks to get caught up before Hulu's five episodes at a time thing kicks in and I start missing any of them.