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Esteban Cuevas's Comments - Page 10

Sony Expected to Cut 10,000 Jobs

Posted on 04/10/2012 at 02:29 AM | Filed Under News

It's a shame since the PS3 and Vita have quality titles. Alas, marketing seems to be the culprit. Kevin Butler didn't seem to help as much as they wanted to. Most likely, the PS4 or Orbis or whatever will have a different strategy to gain market share.

I've got a virus...

Posted on 04/09/2012 at 07:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I saw this. I also am a big fan of Community. I didn't find this funny though. I don't hate it or anything, just didn't do it for me.

Issue 82: Mr. PB & Jason

Posted on 04/05/2012 at 11:16 PM | Filed Under Feature

My idea does involve taking Sonic back to the forest. It actually specifically mentions the planet Mobius and the group Sonic was a member of in the comic books, the Freedom Fighters (diggin deep in the mythos of Sonic). I would just say this: Sonic's whole thing is speed, specifically running. So why not have him running away?

Issue 82: Mr. PB & Jason

Posted on 04/05/2012 at 09:14 PM | Filed Under Feature

Kid Icarus: Uprising is one of the games I plan on buying whenever I get enough money to buy a 3DS (along with Super Mario 3D Land). lol. I'm extremely excited for that game.

The last few Sonic games (Generations, Colors, All-Stars Racing) have been fun to me. I know you disagree but I've enjoyed them. However, they do feel like the same Sonic game since Adventure except done well. I would like to see something new.

I am not in favor of a Skylanders type of a idea. I would rather Sega take the Sonic series away from Sonic Team and give it to someone else. It worked with Sonic Chronicles, it can work again. I actually have had an idea for a Sonic idea for awhile and I write stuff down as I get new ideas for the concept.

My Gaming Landscape [April 2, 2012]

Posted on 04/03/2012 at 06:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't mind a Mario game that's hard but I feel like I'm losing due to imprecision. Also, I'm not necessarily losing. I'm progressing alright. There was one star I gave up on in the first level (the place where you go in the cave and all the water is toxic) but other than that, no problems. FLOOD isn't the problem either. I do find it weird having this water pump on my back most of the time but it doesn't really bother me in regards to if this is a Mario game. It's really the controls and the poor levels. They don't gel well. When I do complete something, there isn't that sense of accomplishment. I'm going to keep trying but so far, it's not doing it for me.

Chrome Xbox 360 Controllers Coming Mid-May

Posted on 04/03/2012 at 05:40 PM | Filed Under News

I don't have a recharge pack. I have a bunch of rechargable batteries that I used for a lot of things. Controllers, camera, wireless mouse, etc. Seems more convenient to me.

Chrome Xbox 360 Controllers Coming Mid-May

Posted on 04/03/2012 at 01:33 PM | Filed Under News

I might actually pick one of these up because I want that new dpad but I didn't like the color scheme of the silver controllers. The blue and red controllers should show less finger prints.

Issue 81: Magical Quest Starring Jason Ross

Posted on 04/03/2012 at 02:59 AM | Filed Under Feature

Just got around to listening to the podcast.

FYI, I've played Magical Quest and it's a good game. I don't like it as much as the Genesis games but it's a good game. I would say though that Magical Quest had sequels already, each worse than the last. So while I would be open to a Magical Quest sequel, I want a Castle of Illusion sequel more. Hell, I want a World of Illusion sequel even more since that had Donald Duck and he needs some love. I've played Epic Mickey 1 and after being thouroughly bored, I no longer am hyped for Epic Mickey 2 but, as you said, Power of Illusion is being developed by another developer so I'm still keep that game on my radar.

Really, the only disagreement here is not whether we want a Mickey Mouse game, but which we want it based on. Magical Quest and the Mickey Illusion games are both from our childhood and we'd like to see them resurrected.

Oh and Angelo, I know it seems like I'm a Sega fanboy and I guess I am, but (and I've mentioned this before) back in the day, I championed SNES as the better console rather than the Genesis. This is despite my love for the Mickey Mouse games or niche Sega titles like ToeJam and Earl and Eternal Champions or even Sonic. Even my favorite video game mascot ever Sonic the Hedgehog couldn't convince me that his console was better. Back then.

Mickey Jump, Mickey Fall, Mickey Rises Again

Posted on 03/30/2012 at 01:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I've heard of Iron Storm from somewhere but I've never played it. I probably heard about it while looking up Saturn games. BIG Saturn fan!

Unchained Blades Details Released

Posted on 03/28/2012 at 05:48 PM | Filed Under News

Yet another awesome 3DS game coming soon.

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