Yeah, watching more than one Kubrick film in a day is bound to have some serious consequences...
Yeah, watching more than one Kubrick film in a day is bound to have some serious consequences...
I'm gonna singing this guy's praises for a while! He has a couple novels and 2 more short story collections, all of which I'll be picking up soon.
Thanks! Always happy to post here. We should join up on Payday again soon!
I was wrong! It looks like it'll be available for another week!
Yup. And it's a cross-buy, so that makes it extra sweet!
I haven't played any of the Gears games, though I plan to get to them sometime soon. Having a co-op campaign actually would have made the game a lot more fun!
It's not a bad game at all. I hope my review didn't come across that way. It wasn't anything extraordinary, but it didn't seem to be trying for that. I think most people would walk away satisfied after playing this, but I can't allow myself to tell someone to play this if they have other things they'd rather get through.
It isn't free, unfortunately. They dropped it from the instant game collection last month.
That's not too bad, and the backdrops definitely look cool. I'll at least put it in my downloads list for the PSN. Once I cut down on my backlog, I'll give it a try.
I've been debating whether or not I should play this, but every review I read/watch brings up the same issues you did. They are all keeping me from downloading it, despite my interest. Yeah, the game is free, but my time is precious and if a game is going to be "meh," I'd rather not chance it.
Memory remix sounds awesome and I hope that maybe it'll be used in a less underwhelming game.