Like I said, my new few blogs will be about the characters in Project X-Zone. I'm playing it right now. Valkyrie just teamed up with Dante and Demitri and Arthur! Oh silly game!
Like I said, my new few blogs will be about the characters in Project X-Zone. I'm playing it right now. Valkyrie just teamed up with Dante and Demitri and Arthur! Oh silly game!
I try to play the games I buy. Oherwise, you might as well just flush dollar bills down the toilet. Money go down the hoooolllllleeeee! (catch the reference?)
I actually like more modern fighting games over some of the early ones. But I find most fighters really hard anyway, because I stink at them. So the ones I like the best are ones that are frendly to beginners, like Soul Calibur and Smash Bros., etc.
Well E3's always been something you couldn't just get into, you had to apply for a press pass or exhibitor pas or whatnot. Guess it's just getting harder to get in now. Which is both good and bad.
Thanks for saying I seemed well-informed. After 15 years of writing about the industry, I've gotten pretty good at SOUNDING like I'm well-informed, even if I'm not. :)
Aw you should play Animal Crossing with your wife! I love playing it with my family!
Well you'll be happy to know you don't have to worry about the door animation thing very much in the sequel.
I love the humor and cartoony art in the game. My favorite thing to do is eat a lot of fruit and make your character fat for a short while. My favorite character to play as is Eri, but I also like how in the newer Metal Slug games, you can play as Ikari Warriors Ralf and Clark, and even Leona!
The only two that you put up there that I have any interest in are in your honorable mention section.
I'll definitely be getting Dragon's Crown for PS3. I'm a little sad that Twisted Pixel is making LocoCycle for Xbox One, but I've seen it listed for the 360, too. I hope it is!
I wonder if you can play as any cute and silly characters, like Chocobos!
I miss the 16-bit FF days...
Yup, that's me, "Car Woodham." :) Honk! Honk! Vrooom! :)
Sorry I just couldn't help it. :)
Sending me a comment or PM will help me to remember to add anyone's code that I may not have already.