This was a pretty good movie, too. Although I never did play the game. I hated the original Prince of Persia game. I perfer my platforming heroes to be able to leap 30 feet in the air and land 100 feet unscathed.
This was a pretty good movie, too. Although I never did play the game. I hated the original Prince of Persia game. I perfer my platforming heroes to be able to leap 30 feet in the air and land 100 feet unscathed.
OK I looked up those characters. Julia looks like a cool Native American lady. Jaycee looks like she turned herself into a super hero by eating her spinach, and Jun looks like Regular Lady Who Isn't Wearing Anything Weird. I hope I can remember them!
You are good at knowing what kinds of characters I would like.
I didn't think the MK movie was that bad. One of the better game movies out there, really. I'm not really into the MK games, though.
I like reading your blogs. Just wanted to say that.
Sounds like Namco is taking the approach that a lot of free to play games on my iPad do.
I'm not really into Tekken, though. I like some of the animal characters, like the kangaroo and bear. Asuka Kazama is kind of neat, but I don't know why. And then there's a pink haired robot lady. And that's all I can think of right now. Are there any others you think I should like?
Great! I've added you! Please be sure to add me, too, when you can!
Yeah I'm looking forward to the new Smash Bros games, too. If they put Pac-Man in it, the game will pretty much have all my favorite video game characters in it. :)
That's great! Maybe someday we can trade 3DS friend codes and visit each others' towns!
I plan to finish and post my E3 blog over the weekend, and I hope you can take the time to read it then, too!
I certainly won't be getting an Xbox One right away, if at all. But I didn't get a 360 right away either and that's my favorite of the current consoles.
It's important for console makers to make sure that their publishers get as much money as they can, but NOT at the expense of the consumer.
The 360 has changed a lot since it was released. I hope that the Xbox One can do that, too, and maybe change for the better. Because right now they're not looking so appealing.
It's important for console makers to make sure that the publishers can get as much money as they can, but NOT at the expense of the consumer.