For sure. It makes me sad that this was cut from the game. I would've loved to explore this area, even if it was just post-game content. Oh well.
Maybe one day we'll see an HD remake and they'll bring this area back and complete it.
For sure. It makes me sad that this was cut from the game. I would've loved to explore this area, even if it was just post-game content. Oh well.
Maybe one day we'll see an HD remake and they'll bring this area back and complete it.
I've been meaning to reply to this since before it was even posted, but life has not made that easy. That being said, Dishonored reminds me so strongly of Geist it's not even funny. The possession mechanics in first person, possession of a variety of creatures, etc, it's all very Geist-like.
I know that almost nobody has played the game, but it was a great concept that was a bit stunted by its execution. Regardless, Dishonored looks to get it right, which is making me EXTREMELY excited for the game. Combine that vibe with all of the titles Angelo listed here and Dishonored is looking like it might have some GOTY potential.
True, but Super Mario World is both more unique and more special. SIMULTANEOUSLY.
Time to stir up a sh*tstorm!
Super Mario World > Super Mario Bros. 3
Eventually, but it takes awhile (a long while). Point being - it's worth waiting if you aren't absolutely dying for it.
Also worth mentioning - I played the downloadable version of this, and it worked flawlessly. So if you're the type who would prefer it digitally, fear not, Nintendo didn't mess it up in any way.
This is just the shot in the arm the Vita needs. I'd imagine programs like this will be incentive enough for players to drop some cash on a Vita.
Everyone has been saying for years that Sony's portables were basically home consoles on the go and this pretty much cements it. Sony is embracing its strength and I can respect that.
This looks pretty cool, very excited to see how it develops.
Seems like we're in some sort of Sci-Fi gaming renaissance lately. Deus Ex, Syndicate, Watch Dogs, Mass Effect Trilogy and this. Good stuff.
I'll probably give this a whirl as I really like Rez and Child of Eden, but I'm not sure this will be quite of that caliber, at least based on Julian's review.
Just pulled down 11.0s
EDIT (1:58) - Make that 10.4s