Yeah, i'm glade MM got just the right balance the Sonic comic did but that's due to the excellent writer
Yeah, i'm glade MM got just the right balance the Sonic comic did but that's due to the excellent writer
I've been looking forward to this the moment it was announced and i've wondered if it would happen since they got the rights
It'll probably be downloadable in Europe before it comes out to the US, hahahahaha!
Haven't gotten 'round to LC yet either.
Only just played VS on, it's a very solitary rpg, Still hacen't bought Ni No Kuni but at this point may as well wait for it to get cheaper, right?
Grave of the Fireflies is a very manipulative piece, but i know it comes from a good place, didn't make me cry... but i wasn't happy
Need to get Shadows of the Damned myself, seems trippy
The NMH games are arguably his best games, i'm not sure but i think the PS3 game has more Bosses than the Wii original. I'd say both are better with motion controls.
S'all good, not enough people are talking about this
I did that research when i was a teen (can't be too careful), plus i think it was prompted by a Law and Order or CSI
Samus is/was conrtroversial in her own right, technically she was a tranny
The acurate term you're looking for is Ephebophile...
In no order
Samus - (before she talked )
Bayonetta -
Baiken - From Guilty Gear. one armed, one eyed Samurai, because the differently abled need love to
I-No - another GG girl, I seem to have a thing for Witches but she has a guitar and takes her top off!
Syrenne - from the Last Story a woman that can hold her booze is alright with me
Beauty and the Beast Unit - because i'm greedy
Sexy Silvia - chalk that up to my love of Superheroes and Sentai
haha, a very superfluous crossover i must say
It'll be collected eventually so just wait for a convienient format.