I don't have a PS3 to do it, but I have heard rumors of that ability from peoples...
I don't have a PS3 to do it, but I have heard rumors of that ability from peoples...
but apparently you can transfer the files over to the Vita from the PS3.
If they really are bringing DS games to the Wii U, then they can bring the other sequel as well.
I loved this game when it first came out. It was one of the reasons that I really wanted to pick up a GBA at the time. Sadly, I never got around to any of the sequels... Just another reason that I want to pick up a Wii U.
I tend to have difficulty getting into SRPGs, but I did quite enjoy Fire Emblem Awakening. I have been eyeing both this game, or its remake and Tactics Ogre for a while now. I just wish that I didn't already have a massive backlog of regular RPGs to contend with.
I laughed out loud.
I don't know what it is, but it makes me hungry for gelato.
I am a Who fanatic.
I have not played Breath of Fire IV yet, but I have played and thoroughly enjoyed both Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. Just remember that when going into Cross after playing Trigger you need to check your expectations at the door. Not that Cross is a bad game, it is fanastic, but there are plenty of differences between the game that may turn a fan of Trigger off.
I agree with Panzer Dragoon Saga. I just want to experience it and basically every other Saturn game I missed.
I could almost say the same thing about Alundra, but I really just want to finish the game. That way I dont feel bad when I move on.