Yep seemed like a perfect match... that reminds me there was an interview with the Editor, i'll have to post that too
Yep seemed like a perfect match... that reminds me there was an interview with the Editor, i'll have to post that too
it's the reason i liked 999, it had quite a bit of detective work
Haven't played Hotel Dusk but i hear good things, 999 and ghost trick are rather memerable games. I'll get the sequel to 999 with the watch asap!
Radiant Historia is a great, not a classic if i where to be critical but a well made game that deserves more talk. Europe never got it so i imported.
Most definately
Who knows, it may even cover what she did after she left travis in NMH2?
You should really make the time, the Killer Seven is awkward but it's a unique and cerebral game. No More Heroes are my favs, self aware grindhouse
it does have a distinctly different feel and look to the other games going by the images. The first No More Heroes was more western, the 2nd more Noir. This one seems to have a different feel altogether
Guys on Overclocked Remix did the HD Street Fighter 2 game, they're an awesome community
Not crazy at all, i did that for a week before finishing the game
I know, right?
You guy's got all but one musical reference so i'll guve you a hint and say it's from an anime