Thats why I got so mad when I saw it for $25 at gamestop.
Thats why I got so mad when I saw it for $25 at gamestop.
Will have to check them out I love good horror flix in October and I love terrifying my kids lol!!
The Condemed series are excellent hidden gems especially for Halloween. .....Bwaaahaaahaaaa or something like that lol!!!
26 hell I got shoes older then you lol!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAY !!!!! and hope you have many more.
Interesting I havent seen any of these pumpkin head seems really good thanks for the picks Halloween is awesome for good horror flix.
Yea the story is a masterpiece and the only game to ever bring tears to my eyes and not even movies bring tears to me so thats saying alot, this is a great game.
I watched this fight although not very long I won the bet lol!! Rodriguez just couldnt hang great summary of the fight I enjoyed your vid mainly cause I won yea!! Lol and who are you going for in the Bradley and Marquez fight im going with Marquez.
Thanks it a very good game and totally worth the $20 price tag.
Excellent game on any system.
Shows how in touch I am I didnt even know Tom Clancy was gone wow where have I been at any rate excellent blog and great job. And on a side note I know just about everything there is to know about WWII and Vietnam and I have never been in the service so knowledge is power whether you experienced it in real life or not.