Totally not single like you chumps, but whatevs ;)
Totally not single like you chumps, but whatevs ;)
Thanks, Michael, Julian and I tag-teamed the music on this one, Nash/Hall style.
On the anime tip, other than the Street Fighter film Jules mentioned, I don't really remember too many. The Dead Space one wasn't bad, I guess. Halo Legends works. It's not great, but it works.
Be nice to see more games get the animated film treatment. I've got one kicking around in my dome, but I don't know animators and the game is almost 20 years old, lol.
When I say "obvious", it's merely meant to get people thinking instead of regurgitating the same answers. Chun-Li and Samus remain safe answers. They just feel lazy to me, in terms of narrative design. Tenenbaum is a great choice.
Let me just say that Lisa is absolutely fantastic on this show. We're looking forward to having her back!
I don't know what "admiGigi's" means, lol. Fucking Apple autocorrect.
Perfect write-up for this one, Julian. My love for you is a ticking clock.
I promise you, dear listeners, Patrick will succumb to my enticements.
Fuck, I hate The Boondock Saints. Worst example of "Trying To Be Tarantino"-itis. "Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead" comes close, too. *farts*