I wonder how many people will want Nintendo to re-do the water temple.
Nintendo 64 on the 3DS?
Does anyone else find it weird that Nintendo is porting 2 titles from the N64 to the 3DS?

With E3 behind me, I've had some time to reflect on what was shown at the expo this year. Nintendo in particular has me intrigued with two of their 3DS titles. As we all know, both StarFox 64 3D and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D were both announced at the show, with StarFox being playable on the show floor.
On first glance, Ocarina of Time makes pretty good sense to bring to the 3DS. It's widely regarded as the greatest game of all-time, and what better could you use to showcase your brand new 3D functionality with? StarFox doesn't quite add up. Sure it's a critically acclaimed title, but over time the series has fallen by the wayside, victim to a slew of third parties desecrating its remains. It makes one question, why bring this title to the 3DS?
After pondering it, and having the chance to see StarFox in person, I feel Nintendo has some other intentions. For those who didn't have a chance to read up on our coverage or listen to our podcasts from the show, StarFox looked pretty amazing in person. Not only was it converted to full 3D, it was clearly redone from the ground up. I found this interesting, especially considering that the title has already seen recent re-release on the Virtual Console.
I'd imagine it can be somewhat pricey to not only port, but engineer an entirely new engine for the 3DS, on top of adding 3D visuals. I suspect that Nintendo is readying these two engines for new games on the system.
A new StarFox game makes sense, and the 3DS is a great platform given the simple gameplay of the series. Not only that, but the series is long overdue for a solid successor to StarFox 64, which has still yet to happen.
With the success of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, I'd imagine that Nintendo is gearing up for another full-fledged portable Zelda adventure. Ocarina of Time would allow them to make some money on creating the engine and work out all of the bugs for an upcoming adventure.
We'll see what Nintendo does, but given what I saw at the show, Nintendo is either intending to go all out on both StarFox and Zelda, or they are readying for something new. You know where my chips lie, what do you guys think?