This generation has gone on so long, people have forgotten what to expect from next gen!
Now that Microsoft has revealed the Xbox One, the stage is finally set and all the players have taken their places. I already talked about how excited I am at the prospect of a new knockdown, drag out console war, and it’s already begun thanks to some snarky comments by Sony on the big Xbox day. In just a matter of months, gamers will either be voting for their console champion of choice or taking a Switzerland approach and waiting on the sidelines to see who comes out on top. With all of this in mind, I think it’s important to talk about this next generation, and what it means to you as a gamer.
Sure, if you’re a regular visitor to PixlBit it pretty much goes without saying that you know gaming, and you know what to expect during this transition from the 7th generation to the 8th. Still, this has been the longest console cycle in gaming history, and it’s likely to continue for a few more years at least. Consider this sobering fact: a kid that got a launch Xbox 360 for Christmas is graduating high school this year. There’s a whole generation of gamers—hardcore gamers like you and I—that haven’t experienced a true console change. I think we all need to take a step back from all the hype, hyperbole, and negativity that’s oh-so prevalent these days and really discuss what’s coming in the very near future.
Before that, it’s worth mentioning that I will be focusing on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in this conversation. Yes, the Wii U is a new console, and it’s technically the first machine of the 8th generation, but it’s also not an evolutionary step in technology, nor is Nintendo actively out to compete in the same battles as Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo will continue to do what Nintendo does—utilize a strategy that works for them and them alone.
