Eight new characters!? Holy crap, I'll take it!
Super Street Fighter IV Confirmed
The standalone budget-priced expansion will have eight new characters, more online features, and rebalanced characters.

Super Street Fighter IV is no longer just a leak, it's a reality, according to Gamespot.
Featuring roughly eight new characters and improved online features, Super Street Fighter IV will be a standalone expansion to Street Fighter IV when it launches in Spring 2010 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for a price less than the standard $60.
So far, the only confirmed characters are DeeJay, T. Hawk, and newcomer Juri, who is a female who uses Tae Kwon Do.
All of the returning characters will feature a new ultra combo, and the entire roster will be rebalanced. There will also be some upgrades to the online, with the only reveal being a tease for a lobby system. Sadly, Street Fighter IV will not be compatible with the new game online.