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Zone of the Enders 3DS Revealed?

A mysterious tweet from Hideo Kojima reveals what might be the next Zone of the Enders title.

Yesterday, Hideo Kojima posted a mysterious tweet that depicted an image with a Jehuty Orbital Frame and a logo for what appears to be Zone of the Enders 3DS. The acronym representing the game, ZOE, is shown with its direct mirror to the right, which closely resembles 3DS.

It's not known right now if the image is actually teasing a new game in the series, a port of the original game, or something different altogether. Being that the 3DS has a 3 built into its name and a subsequent game in the Zone of the Enders series would be the third title, it's not unfathomable that the image is actually teasing a proper sequel.

Kojima's tweet text, "Found this at Omori-kun's desk. What's this?," does little to clarify what's being shown. Be sure to check back later for further details on this developing story.



Joaquim Mira Media Manager

08/17/2011 at 11:37 AM

I'm hoping it's not a remake because I already intend to get the HD remakes for the PS3.

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