By what criteria is Mario Kart DS considered the "fan favourite"? It isn't sales, because Mario Kart Wii has sold more than any other game in the series. In fact, Mario Kart Wii is the best selling Mario game period, and one of the best selling games of all time. Considering that, I'm not surprised that Mario Kart 7 has debuted well.
Mario Kart 7 Sells Gangbusters in Japan
International figures expected to be even bigger.

Mario is a man of many talents and gamers show up in droves when he’s featured in any of his many ongoing franchises. As we reported earlier, Nintendo had a particularly good Black Friday thanks in part to the portly plumber’s turn in Super Mario 3D Land. Well, it seems that Mario wasn’t finished selling systems as his 3DS kart racing debut is looking to set even more records in the land of the rising sun.
Released on December 1st in Japan, Mario Kart has already sold around 420,000 units in just its first week of sales in its native country. To give this number further gravity, this is around double what the fan favorite DS version of the game did in the same time period.
While specific figures will be released tomorrow, Nintendo has also indicated that international (North American and European) sales figures are likely to be much more impressive than these. Iwata indicated that while “Nintendo is still expected to post an overall loss for the current fiscal year,” that we should “expect a recovery of profits in the next fiscal term.”