Haha, awesome! They included the Konami code to fix a save. Gotta love it.
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time Gets Patch
The patch addresses many major issues with the title.

Insomniac Games has recently released an update to their latest title, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time.
The game has received universal praise by critics, however many have noted some severe glitches within the game, such as not being able to harm certain bosses.
When playing the game for review, I noticed many glitches during play, the most frustrating of which was falling through the geometry.
The Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time Update 1.20 patch is intended to fix specific problems, all of which are listed below. Be forewarned however, that many of the patch specifics may contain spoiler information.
1). "Fixed a bug after finishing the game that wouldn’t allow the player to be able to select between going back in time and starting challenge mode *if* they defeated Vorselon 3 before defeating Azimuth."
2). "Fixed a bug where the player would load into Great Clock 1 after defeating Azimuth and initially selecting 'Challenge Mode' and then backing out of the Save Game menu."
3). "Fixed a bug where the player cannot select to go back in time after selecting to restart in challenge mode and then backing out of the save."
4). "Fixed a bug where the player wouldn’t be able to damage Libra or Carina during the boss fights."
5). "Fixed a bug where the player cannot receive the Good Samaritan Trophy. The Smuggler may disappear if players acquire the RYNO V before completing all of his quests, making it impossible to achieve the trophy. Effected players can equip the RYNO V to automatically complete any remaining Smuggler quests, and receive the trophy."
6). "FOR PLAYERS WHO HAVE A BUGGED CHALLENGE MODE SAVE DUE TO ONE OF THE PREVIOUS CHALLENGE MODE SAVE BUGS ONLY: Load your save game, and press the follow sequence of buttons in-game (will not work on the pause menu): Up + Up + Down + Down + L3 + Square + Circle + Square + Circle + R3. This will reset you to the beginning of challenge mode with all of your current weapons, bolts, XP etc intact so that you can continue the game."