Iwata Asks - Spirit Tracks: Part Two
In the second segment the group discusses how wanting to use the phantom truly pushed them to make a second title, as well as why Tetra does not make an appearance.

The second segment of the interview deals with where the idea for the phantom came from, and why Tetra, Zelda's disguised form, does not make an appearance in Spirit Tracks.
The phantom idea is another derived from a previously created concept within Majora's Mask. Gamers who have played the game will remember that collecting masks that transform you into different species is a key part of the game, and one of those masks turned players into a goron; a character with immense strength that was highly protected against attacks.
As stated in part one, there were certain things developers wanted to implement within Phantom Hourglass but never had the chance to, so with Spirit Tracks, they tried to devise a "method for intuitively and easily controlling a subplayer for a while at that point."
According to Aonuma, this was the real point in which he suggested making another Zelda similar to Phantom Hourglass. When coming up for new ideas however, they wanted to make it different from Phantom Hourglass, as Iwamoto felt that Phantom Hourglass "wasn't a completely original work as far as he was concerned," since the boat parts were very similar to Wind Waker.
One of the differences they wanted to implement was putting a lot of focus on Zelda. While she appeared in Phantom Hourglass, she is not making an appearance in Spirit Tracks. When asked why this is, apparently the reason lies in a personal dislike of the character by Iwamoto.
Although Iwamato does explain that, "it wasn't that I didn't like her so much as that I was enthusiastic about characters in my own way. I was searching for something that hadn't been portrayed much, and there was Princess Zelda." He wanted the story to play out with a duo this time, instead of Link on his own, as had been the traditional standard.
The team agreed on a girl as a counterpart, and according to Iwamoto, "I thought it wouldn't be much fun if Princess Zelda didn't show up and if we brought in some unrelated princess instead, so, in the end, I asked for permission to use Princess Zelda."