I'm really surprised to hear about Capcom's charity efforts. Honestly, it seems like a clever, tricky way to convince people to demo their game, while at the same time, it's genuinely something positive, too.
Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer Demo Available Today (Or Tomorrow)
After a slew of promotional limited demo releases, Capcom has finally made their Lost Planet 2 demo widely available.

Some may recall Capcom organized a few promotional releases for the Lost Planet 2 Demo focused on their Capcom Unity blog, but unfortunately, the download keys offered for the PSN and XBLA demo were first-come-first-serve in a limited fashion.
Today, Capcom has announced the Lost Planet 2 Demo is available for everyone interested on XBLA, with the PSN download following tomorrow. The demo will feature the Turbulent Jungle Map, one of ten that will be available at retail.
In an interesting move, Capcom has announced that if the demo is downloaded at least one million times before May 5th, they'll be donating $20,000 to charity, and if an additional 500,000 demos are downloaded, Capcom will add $5,000 more to their donation.