Fighting gamers rejoice!
Capcom has often stated that Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition is a love letter to fans of the series. I completely agree with this statement. Not only is this version a faithful recreation of a hidden treasure, but it also caters to both Third Strike veterans as well as fans that may have gotten into the series with its later incarnations. Jam packed with features that most full priced retail games don't have, Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition is a fantastic value, that also happens to be a fantastic game.
The review is on the way, but in the mean time, check out some early gameplay.
Not a twist of lemon, sadly.
With companies like Nintendo and Rare releasing great platformers on the Nintendo 64, most of the other ones in between were largely ignored. Not that it wasn't for good reason, as those games were some of the best ones created, but it is nice to now catch up on the ones I passed over. Chameleon Twist doesn't offer anything unique or groundbreaking, but it's still a fun, quirky game while it lasts, and is worth checking out after completing the Marios and Banjos of the system.