Only minimal Final Fantasy talk. We promise.
Hello again! After that jam-packed 3 hour long Final Fantasy episode, it's time for the Pantsless Ones to get back to talking about games. As is NWP tradtion, we get sidetracked. A lot.
Only minimal Final Fantasy talk. We promise.
Hello again! After that jam-packed 3 hour long Final Fantasy episode, it's time for the Pantsless Ones to get back to talking about games. As is NWP tradtion, we get sidetracked. A lot.
A memory of exotic lands in a world known as...Vana'Diel.
Welcome back to Digital Mystery Tour. With the recent release of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, it seemed like a perfect time to look back at some of my favorite songs from the previous online Fantasy: XI. I'm a little under the weather, so I let the music do the talking for me, and close things out with a couple tracks from A Realm Reborn. If you have fond memories of FF XI, you may want to check out the Nerds Without Special I did earlier in the year, which features a ton more of the game's soundtrack, as well as some fun and touching stories. Enjoy, and I realize the bagpipes in the San d'Oria theme can be a tad grating on the ears, but what can I say? It's home to me.
Hesitant about FF XIV? Understandable, but you may be surprised....
It's unprecedented for an MMORPG to get a second curtain call, but that's exactly what's happening with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. It's an almost completely rebuilt version of the disastrous original that is going to get a second chance at life next month. After playing a good amount of the Phase 3 beta, I’m ready to believe that the game could right all of the wrongs of its 2010 release.
There's a lot of Final Fantasy on the way, but is it the Final Fantasy people want?
Final Fantasy. Just saying the name conjures up all manner of conflicting thoughts these days. Square Enix is not the company it once was, and its flagship RPG series has encountered a lot of negativity and lukewarm receptions in recent years. Don’t count this legendary franchise out just yet though; there are plenty of interesting developments for the series coming from E3, including more than one mea culpa from the development side of the equation. With games coming down the pipeline from FF X to XV, I think it’s best that we tackle them in Roman numerical order, don’t you?
So, you’ve picked your game and are ready to jump in the ring, but you don’t know where to start. Thankfully, this problem can be solved with the simplest of concepts – favoritism. It’s something that we as people naturally do when it comes to anything we enjoy, and fighting games are no different. When it comes to selecting a game to play, the biggest draw is usually something that you personally find interesting. This also goes for the characters you select to play as. In most cases the character you elect to dedicate most of your time into directly ties into your overall enjoyment of the game. So naturally it’s best to go with what you like.
Ever wanted to learn how to get good at fighting games? Well here are some tips!
Fighting games can be some of the most intimidating games out there. Whether it was back in the arcades where every victory relied on your hard earned money, or today where playing online unprepared can lead to some embarrassing losses. Though a tough nut to crack, fighting games can also be extremely rewarding.
You might want to keep your eyes on this one...
When it came to Injustice: Gods Among Us, my initial reaction was a resounding “meh”. Don’t get me wrong – I’m actually a huge fan of DC Comics, and fighting games for that matter. A few weeks ago, Injustice was a game that I couldn't care less about. I didn’t like the character designs. I wasn’t sure I wanted to learn a new fighting game. And I definitely thought the stage interactions were extremely gimmicky. However, now as I type this, I couldn’t be more pumped to get my hands on the game and explore its intricacies. So you might ask, “What changed your mind JD?” In a nutshell the answer is this – good marketing.
Brand New Fighting Game Featuring DC Comics Finest.
Continuing the slew of new fighters being introduced this generation, Warner Brothers and NeatherRealm, the makers of the Mortal Kombat series, have announced Injustice: Gods Among Us. This fighter is completely based around the characters within the DC Comics universe and pits them against each other in what are bound to be pretty epic battles. Based on the debut trailer of the game, it seems as if something has happened to the DC Heroes which turns them evil in some way, making them a threat to everyone.