Hey, PixlBits! You pick good music.
Well, we asked for some battle themes from the PixlBit community, and they responded with some amazing selections! Enjoy these ten scorching tracks that come from a myriad of different types of games, from cinematic action to RPG to platforming. Thanks to everyone that contributed to this eclectic mix tape, and for making Battle Themes Month a huge success!
I bet this discussion could actually go somewhere if we'd all just stop acting like children.
There's been a lot of controversy just about everywhere these days regarding how women are portrayed in video games. Frankly, I'm glad to see it. Controversy has a way of exposing us to new perspectives and fresh opinions in a way few other things can. It's given many women a platform to discuss how things like this make them feel sexualized, marginalized, and mistreated. It's also given others the chance to promote the radical idea that perhaps the size of a woman's bust shouldn't dictate how we perceive them; that big boobs don't necessarily mean a shallow character with a tiny brain. It's also indirectly fed Jenn Frank's idea (which has since garnered international attention) for a BoobJam: A call for the creative souls among us whose coding Kung Fu is strong, to create games about boobs, with the caveat that the content show breasts from a more practical or biological angle as opposed to the typical straight male gaze, or sexually gratifying perspective.
These tracks will punch you in the face with their sheer awesomeness!
It's week two of Battle Themes Month here on Digital Mystery Tour! JD opened things up with some great tracks from modern JRPGs. I decided to widen the range a bit, and have some excellent fight music that spans multiple generations and genres. Tune in next week to see what Angelo has come up with, and be sure to comment on my blog post to get some of your choices in the final week of Battle Themes!