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#Mass effect

Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack DLC Confirmed

More Free Mass Effect 3 DLC Incoming.

Confirming the rumors that leaked out a few weeks ago, Mass Effect 3's next multiplayer focused DLC entitled: Rebellion is confirmed for release on Tuesday, May 29th (or Wednesday, May 30th for Europe PSN users) for the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Best part about this DLC is that it is again free of charge, assuming you already have activated your Mass Effect 3 online pass.

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Mass Effect 3: Resurgence Pack DLC Announced

Get your hands on Two New Maps and New Classes on April 10th.

Hot on the heels of Bioware's announcement of the free Extended Cut DLC addressing fans' problems with the controversial ending comes more free DLC, this time in the form of extra multiplayer content.

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Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut DLC Coming this Summer

Free DLC to provide closure to the controversial ending.

Those angered by the endings of Mass Effect 3 may finally get the closure they desire. Bioware has announced that this summer, the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut DLC will be released to give fans “clarity to the ending of Mass Effect 3 and insight on how your personal journey concludes.”

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PixlTalk Episode 59: Konami Conundrum

We covered what we covered

We all know what the big story of this week, nay this month has been. To be honest, that which shall not be named has been reported on over and over again, and all of us were quite frankly a little sick of it. Thus, we decided to focus our sights on Konami instead. Konami has been a beloved development studio bringing us many classics including the beloved Metal Gear Solid franchise. However, as of late they have not been faring so well. With few new titles and even less worthwhile ones, what will it take to make this development studio top notch again?  

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Tell Me About Your Emotional Connection to Mass Effect

Nick's looking for your answers.

The Shepard Trilogy of Mass Effect has finally come to an end, which has evoked some strong feelings from fans. There's outrage over the ending and not just the ending, but its impact on the series as a whole. I have no feelings on the topic as I have not even played a single title in the series, and truthfully, I have very little ambition to ever do so. Sure, I gave Mass Effect a shot and I actually own both the first and second title, but as someone who's not much a fan of sci-fi, the story and characters hold little intrigue for me. But this is not about me; this is about you, the fans of the series.

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Mass Effect 3 Review

So, it has come to this.

Five years ago BioWare released Mass Effect to the world. The first game in an epic RPG trilogy with the ambitious goal of having your character’s actions and accompanying consequences carry over from game to game;  creating an ever more complex and living world quite literally shaped by the player. As a result, Mass Effect 3 is forced to undergo scrutiny for not only how it handles as a standalone game, but as a conclusion to BioWare’s half-decade efforts as well. 

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PixlTalk Episode 57: We Speak of Revolution!

Will gamers ever grow up? Are we in need of a revolution?

Once again we heroes from our lofty position up here in the clouds cast judgment upon you lowly mortals. This week we discuss why the video game community often makes us ashamed to be gamers. Between the recent Cross Assault scandal and the review bombing on Meta Critic there’s not a whole lot to be too proud of at the moment. Not all is lost, however; while we are quite critical of the gaming community this week we also make sure to highlight some of the good aspects out there. Still the question remains, will us gamers ever grow up? It may just be time for a revolution.

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Mass Effect Review Rewind

The epic tale of Commander Shepard begins here!

Mass Effect was a watershed moment for developer, BioWare. It was the game that solidified their presence on consoles, building on the success of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire. It was also their first truly smash-hit original IP thanks to its publishing deal with Microsoft Studios. Five years later, and on the eve of the conclusion of the “Commander Shepard Trilogy”, how does the original Mass Effect hold up?

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Mass Effect Primer

Never played another game in the Mass Effect series? Looking for a refresher before taking up the helm of the Normandy again? Our Primer will help you get up to speed.

The unique world of Mass Effect, put together by BioWare, is nothing short of remarkable, already being argued by people as being the most influential sci-fi universe of our generation.

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Mass Effect 3 - Launch Trailer

Available for the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on March 6, 2012.

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