Where we talk about stuff. And things.
We're a man down this time, so listen to Julian and Patrick talk about a bunch of stuff that nerds who do not wear pants would talk about. What are those things? Good question?
Where we talk about stuff. And things.
We're a man down this time, so listen to Julian and Patrick talk about a bunch of stuff that nerds who do not wear pants would talk about. What are those things? Good question?
Only minimal Final Fantasy talk. We promise.
Hello again! After that jam-packed 3 hour long Final Fantasy episode, it's time for the Pantsless Ones to get back to talking about games. As is NWP tradtion, we get sidetracked. A lot.
An Origin that doesn't disappoint.
Batman: Arkham Origins is a great game. Over the eight to nine hours I spent with the game, I went on a roller coaster full of action, stealth and narrative high points. Arkham Origins provides some of the best character moments in the series, along with some interesting new twists to the gameplay. Unfortunately, game bugs and various gameplay oddities keep the game from reaching the heights of the previous entries.
Why you shouldn't be too worried about the Caped Crusader's origin story.
The Arkham-verse has become its own thing after the resounding success of Arkham Asylum and City. Rocksteady laid a superb foundation for the Batman series and though the latest game is being handled by WB Montreal, there’s not much to worry about. The fundamentals of the series hold up, and if anything much has been added to the gameplay. Whether these additions will prove beneficial is yet to be determined, but based on some story tidbits and my brief hands on I remain excited to see what the full game has to offer.
A memory of exotic lands in a world known as...Vana'Diel.
Welcome back to Digital Mystery Tour. With the recent release of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, it seemed like a perfect time to look back at some of my favorite songs from the previous online Fantasy: XI. I'm a little under the weather, so I let the music do the talking for me, and close things out with a couple tracks from A Realm Reborn. If you have fond memories of FF XI, you may want to check out the Nerds Without Special I did earlier in the year, which features a ton more of the game's soundtrack, as well as some fun and touching stories. Enjoy, and I realize the bagpipes in the San d'Oria theme can be a tad grating on the ears, but what can I say? It's home to me.