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PixlTalk Episode 55: Are Games Art?

Are games art and why does it matter if they are?

Our fearless leader Nick joins the heroes this week as we take a look at Jesse’s article, which argues that games are not art. In the process we attempt to define art, discuss whether or not games are art, or have the potential to become art. Ultimately our discussion leads us to possibly a more pressing matter: Why is it so imperative for gamers/game enthusiasts that video games are considered an art form?

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Hit Refresh to See the Latest Site Updates!

PixlBit has received yet another upgrade.

We've reconfigured the header and added a news ticker to the site, but for it all to look right, you probably want to click "Refresh" on your browser. Before doing so, the site's sure to look a little weird. Generally speaking, any time the site looks weird, this is a good tactic to employ, as we probably updated something in the style.

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PixlTalk Episode 46: To 2011...and Beyond!

Podcasts: the final frontier. These are the recordings of the PixlTalk Crew #2. Their continuing mission: to seek out new talking points, and new awkward situations. To boldly go where no PixlTalk has gone before!

Welcome, faithful listeners, to the first official episode of PixlTalk Crew #2! Joaquim sits in with Patrick, Rob, and your new host, Julian. We talk about our personal picks for Game of the Year. Obvious games like Uncharted 3 and Batman: Arkham City are mentioned before we stop to give some love to underdogs like Dead Island and Dragon Age 2.

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Join Our Mario Kart 7 Racing Communities!

We've established two to accommodate all players.

With the release of Mario Kart 7, Nintendo has given players a unique way to race and interact together. Through the community feature we can race and communicate (kind of) together and hopefully have a good time. If you'd like to join the community, our codes are below. Enter them into the game and you'll be able to access it at anytime. Going forward we will be organizing racing nights so we can all play together, so we urge you to join!

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We're Hiring!

That's right, we want you!

For anyone who might've been keeping track, PixlBit has been quickly growing thanks to our already stellar team of contributors. Given our growth, we need MORE help in order to keep bringing our readers the best content around. Application is easy and only requires you to provide a bit of writing so that we can assess your skills.

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User Blogs are Gooooooo!

That's right, PixlBit now has user blogs. It's pretty awesome, if I must say so myself.

Well, it's been a year in the making, but PixlBit finally has user blogs. Yes, that's right, user blogs. Want to write your own review for a game, how about an editorial? Got a grand idea for a feature, just want to get some stuff off your mind? Good, because we want to hear it. If you don't have an account yet, now's the time to make one and get blogging away.

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New Bundles for Holiday 2011 Announced

Sony and Nintendo giving more options for consumers.

It's the holiday season and as such, more and more deals are being released. Sony announced that the PSP will get a new bundle, set to be released on November 15, and Nintendo revealed new DSi XL bundles that will be available on November 6.

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Super PixlBit 2.0 Turbo Edition

Yes that's right, we're back again with minimal upgrades... sort of.

As you know if you visit PixlBit, version 2.0 launched just a few months back. Despite the upgrade, we still weren't satisfied and neither were our readers. Thankfully, one such reader stepped up in an incredible way. Vic Roman provided the design for the brand new site template you are looking at right now, as well as all of the logo designs. His contribution has given PixlBit some incredible pop and helps further give the site its own unique identity.

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PixlBit's 2 Year Anniversary Celebration

Join us on Saturday night, 9/24, for a celebration of 2 years of PixlBit! Update: Join us at a little after 8:00 pm EDT for the start!

Believe it or not, PixlBit's second birthday is just about upon us. Like last year, we intend to celebrate with a live PlayBit, but this year, we're stepping up our game. On Saturday 9/24 at 8:00 PM EDT we'll be kicking off the celebration. This year, we'll have a few more people on hand - Nick, Chessa, Jason Ross, Stanton Daries, and Sam Hawkins will all be present. We're also planning on giving away some rare E3 2010 swag to some readers and contributors. Qualifying for the prizes is easy, so check out the details! Click through for our live feed!

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We're Back Up

Sorry for the downtime, everyone.

Hey everyone, you probably noticed at some point today that PixlBit was down. We've been having some serious lightning storms out here in Tampa, which subsequently knocked our power out and messed up the server's network connection. Everything has been resolved and hopefully we shouldn't be having any more problems. My apologies for the outage, but now that we're back, be sure to check out our ongoing Metroid 25th Anniversary coverage from JD; also, be sure to read Matt McLennan's KIrby's Adventure Review Rewind!

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