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PB & Jason Issue 93: The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses

Nick, Chessa, and Jason attended the Orlando, FL concert this past Saturday.

It shouldn't be very difficult to guess the main subject of today's PB & Jason. I'll give you three hints: There was cosplay, I said the name of this topic in the title of Issue 93, and the beginnings of this event were announced during Nintendo's E3 2011 press conference. Give up? Ok, ok. This issue of PB & Jason is based mostly on the Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses concert! Spoiler alert: It's good. Of course, there's a little bit of other information about things like the sales numbers of the PlayStation Vita in Japan, but you'll have to give this issue of PB & Jason a listen to hear all of them by clicking through to the embedded player and download links.

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PB & Jason Issue 92: Vidalia Edition

Hopefully this week's PB & Jason does not make you tear up...

This week, the news on Jason's radar has been pretty weak. There has been some conversation about a small handful of major topics, but just about everyone has discussed and editorialized said topics to death. The alternative? When there is no news worth talking about, why not create fake news to share? Join Jason as he rambles off several fake headlines. Maybe you'll have a laugh, maybe you'll shed a tear. Maybe you'll make up a few fake stories of your own. Who cares? Whatever you do, be sure to listen to PB & Jason by clicking through to the embedded player and download links.

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PB & Jason Issue 91: Bang! Boom! Fireworks!

Join Jason in the hunt for a solid Fourth of July video game.

This week's PB & Jason has a focus on fireworks! Well, maybe not fireworks exactly, but rather the Fourth of July, the USA's Independence Day. Expect to hear of a handful of video games that really get in the July 4th spirit with fireworks and, in the case of Metal Gear Solid 2, convoluted plots! For those of you looking for a little more than holidays, don't worry! I've packed PB & Jason 91 with a lot more, mostly centered around what video games I'd like to see in the future! Spoiler Alert: I mention the Ice Climbers. A lot. There's also some hype for the Zelda: Symphony of the Goddess concert I'll be attending in less than two weeks, as well as a little bit of discussion about a not-so-retro game I'm replaying: Dragon Quest IX. Click through to find listening and download links!

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PB & Jason Issue 90: Jason & Hobbes

This week's PB & Jason was a little difficult to record...

Tonight: MAME cabinets, Zeboyd RPGs, and Pokémon. For whom is the 3DS XL the right choice? Earlier, I interviewed producers behind the Zelda: Symphony of the Goddess tour. Find out my thoughts on their interview before it hits the site! All this and more in PB & Jason #90. Click through to find listening and download links!

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The Amazing Spider-Man - Launch Trailer

Available now for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, 3DS, and DS.

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PB & Jason Issue 89: Where in the World is E3 2013?

Make sure you read that in your mind to the tune of Carmen Sandiego!

The show dates for E3 2013 have not yet been announced! Neither has the location! Did Carmen Sandiego literally steal next year's show? No? Oh. Well, looking at this year's E3, perhaps that's a bad thing. More on topic, this week's PB & Jason talks about the things that went wrong with E3 2012. As the show exited, most gamers were left with at least mild disappointment at the lack of coverage and announcements. Why? Find out inside! Also featured? Kirby's 20th anniversary collection and a tiny bit of Epic Mickey 2. Click through for the show's download and listening links!

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PB & Jason Issue 88: PB & E3

Learn about the ghost of E3 past, present, and future in this week's PB & Jason.

That's right, this week's PB & Jason talks about E3. The big event is coming up next week. How will you prepare for all the press conferences, demos, pictures, videos, and interviews? By listening to PB & Jason, of course! Long lines are covered, tiny bit of swag, a question of parties, too. The 90's shows are discussed, as are the later shows and micro-E3s of years gone. Hear the technicalities behind receiving a media badge and attending the show in this very exciting PB & Jason! Oh, right. There's a little bit of talk about the Zelda Symphony tour (Guess who's attending?), Mario Tennis Open, and Diablo III, too, so stay tuned for that near the end!

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The Amazing Spider-Man - "Web Rush" Trailer

Brant Nichols, executive producer at Beenox, shows us the Web Rush gameplay mechanic.

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PB & Jason Issue 87: Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition '13

Capcom is reconsidering how it manages DLC for future titles. Jason has an idea.

This issue of PB & Jason is about downloadable content. Specifically, Capcom fighting game DLC. If you're not familiar with Capcom and their recent fighting game issues, let me paint the picture: They've conditioned many of their fans to hold out on buying the first edition of a title, since an upgraded version with bug fixes, balance adjustments, and new characters is often on the horizon. More than that, they've locked content on discs behind pay-walls, then reacted with surprise when they learned gamers weren't happy buying a game and then being charged a second time for content already on the disc. In PB & Jason, I take a look at a serious alternative, suggesting a few benefits that could be had for all involved. Oh, and don't forget all the talk about Tales of Graces f and new, used, and backwards-compatible PlayStation 3s! Join me for the best PB & Jason for this week ever! Click through for the download links.

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PB & Jason Issue 86: Tales of Jason r

Jason and Chris have been playing the latest PS3 Tales game. How does it compare with their Symphonia experience?

This week on PB & Jason: Tales of Graces f and Tales of Symphonia comparisons, the case of Miyamoto vs. the PlayStation Vita, disappointment with the PlayStation Suite program Sony is initiating, Capcom woes, Xbox subscriptions, and more! Join Jason in the best PB & Jason for this week ever! Click through for the download links.

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