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PB & Jason Issue 130: In Which There is Absolutely No Mention of Disney Epic Mickey or Scribblenauts

C'mon, you can't expect every title to be 100% accurate, right?

This week's PB & Jason will probably lie to you. Don't believe what I say in the show's intro, as there isn't really anything about Pokémon in the podcast at all! If I were a betting man, I would also wager that somehow both Epic Mickey and Scribblenauts are discussed. Surprise! Tune in! Leave a comment! Send an email! Suggest more ways to end sentences with exclamation points! Listen! Click through!

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PB & Jason Issue 129: [Citation Needed]

Listen to a podcast where generalizations are made about the people who pre-order new video game consoles.

In this issue of PB & Jason, we have Pokémon X & Y, a weirdly-worded Joystiq story, potentially low Xbox One and PS4 console pre-order sales, and an inferred reason for the delay of Ubisoft's Watch_Dogs. Tune in! Leave a comment! Send an email! Suggest more ways to end sentences with exclamation points! Listen! Click through!

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PB & Jason Issue 128: Rise of the Death of the Shadow of the Eternals, Vol. CXXVIII

This week's PB & Jason is about Shadow of the Eternals going on hold. Oh, and before that, there's a lot of Nintendo stuff.

Do you have money? If so, please send it to Precursor Games. They're probably going to develop a video game with it. Maybe. Maybe not. They've totally been working on it for the past year! Scout's honor! They'd show you proof, but where's the fun in that? Oh, right, also on the podcast is some Dungeon Defenders II news, some Pokémon X & Y hype, and some Nintendo Direct reactions. Tune in! Leave a comment! Send an email! Suggest more ways to end sentences with exclamation points! Listen! Click through!

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PB & Jason Issue 127: The Wonderful 127!

Insert something like "Viewtiful!" here.

This week's PB & Jason still has a bit about GTA V. Nothing disparaging, mind you, rather, GTA V is used to point out trouble with the ESRB, the (non-gaming) media, and the Molyneux. After that? Expect to hear my opinion on Square-Enix's disappointing Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy as well as some initial impressions on the enjoyable The Wonderful 101. Tune in! Leave a comment! Send an email! Suggest more ways to end sentences with exclamation points! Listen! Click through!

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Armored Core: Verdict Day - Launch Trailer

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PB & Jason Issue 126: Boxy Moron

Pokémon Box, Gearbox, Grand Theft Auto V, and Nintendo's new Wii Sports Club take this week's PB & Jason.

For the second week in a row, PB & Jason is here! Issue 126 starts with a rant against the upcoming cloud-based Pokémon Box subscription service and follows with a very long-winded rant about the direction Gearbox Software is headed. Mix in a dash of insight for Nintendo's new sales strategy for Wii Sports Club and a bit of GTA V and CoD:BlOps2, and you've got yourself a podcast! Tune in! Leave a comment! Send an email! Suggest more ways to end sentences with exclamation points! Listen! Click through!

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PB & Jason Issue 125: Jason New 125 #1...25

Consider this a "soft reboot" of the PB & Jason universe.

PB & Jason is back! This week's issue covers some of the bigger news between the last PB & Jason up until now. I'm not going to go into many details, but the focus is on new handheld consoles (and TV counterparts) and old subscription fee woes. Tune in! Leave a comment! Send an email! Suggest more ways to end sentences with exclamation points! Listen! Click through!

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