On 02/05/2014 at 09:03 PM,
Vice's Assistant
Friends, I come today bearing great news that will change your life. For my painful last night of insomnia, I had incidentally stumbled on a goldmine of an unknown venture of a popular fighting game franchise. Specifically I'm talking about Street Fighter which pretty much everyone knows about. Everyone also knows about in the 1990's how popular the franchise was, creating many media spin offs. Movies, cartoon shows, and even comics were well known popular culture mostly due to how bad they were. But apparently that wasn't enough for Capcom. Oh no, it would be Capcom if they did something without over doing it. Brace yourselves, because the next video may forever change your perception of Street Fighter...forever. PixlBit-ers (as well 1UPpers) I give to you...Street Fighter II: The Ride!