On 09/05/2016 at 12:42 AM,
I beat the main Quest line, I havent beaten the whole game but I did go ahead and fight the final story mission that isnt DLC. It was...quiet easy, even on Normal mode. There was only one point where I was like"OH SHIT WE MIGHT DIE!" which was the second half of the mission. Overall, the ending was not very strong which of course was probably done like that on purpose because they probably knew that the final DLC was gonna be the last part of the story for the game. Now Im not going to go jump in and finish the story DLC. Im gonna go to previous save before I beat the final mission and level my character up and continue more side stuff. I need to be level 20 for the final section stuff and im 3 levels behind. Its kind of boring not being able to interact with people, especially Cullen since he was my chosen romance for my human rogue on this playthrough. The only thing they do is say a few lines of dialogue now. So advice to any one who hasnt gotten this far or played DAI yet, dont even consider doing the final quest for the main story unless you intend to jump right into the DLC story stuff. Its boring, you cant recieve kisses anymore from your lover and dialogue is limited to like 1 to 2 sentences with companions. Other than that, I have enjoyed the game. It has kept me quiet busy these last couple of days. Its a lot of fun and I do plan to do a few more playthroughs.