I tried for an alliteration. I sort of got there.
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I am currently playing MLB 16 the Show. And why oh why did I digitally dowload the game.
What can I say?
I still play MLB 14 the Show but yesterday I beat a new game.
Damnit all if I don't know what games to play.
I am not sure why I titled this the revenge of the rain.
Final Fantasy 15 is most definitley here but my timeliness could not be more off.
Sometime in the chaos we are left with this whirlwind of a mess. Like a votrex that took out a bunch of papers and whirled them with cows in the air.
When I have gotten time this summer I have been playing Dirty Bomb. But as me writing this I haven't had much but have forged my own time...to play Dirty Bomb and enjoy the beta for what it is.
Mortal Kombat X was a really good game.