Yeah I've noticed that there are some EB games stores that have limited/collector's editions with the pre owned sticker on them. The game is pretty slow for me right now so hopefully it picks up soon.
Yeah I've noticed that there are some EB games stores that have limited/collector's editions with the pre owned sticker on them. The game is pretty slow for me right now so hopefully it picks up soon.
I didn't know anything about the game so I just decided to give it a try since there's no other store who has it in stock. I've read a lot of good reviews of SMTIV so I figured the previous games were good. Weird thing is, I checked the box and the game cartridge and it looks brand new. Even though it had the pre owned sticker on it. So I'm wondering if it was the store's last copy and had it in stock for the longest time and someone just put a pre owned sticker on it. I could be wrong though.
It looks like a fun game. People said the first one isn't that great and is too short, but they got the collection mainly for the second game. I wouldn't know because I've never played them, but for $9 I couldn't pass it up. Make sure to get it for the PS3 because I read about a patch they released on the PS3 to sharpen the graphics. Supposedly the patch was only released on the PS3 and not 360. But I figured why not get the collection on the system it was first released on in the past.
$25 is still a great price for a good fighting game with all the DLC. I'm surprised that the story is good as well. I was excited when Mortal Kombat was released, but the story didn't sell me. I played through the story, but the only time I really got enjoyment from it was when I played the side games and played against my girlfriend. From that I found out that she's an expert at fighting games and just kept destroying me.
Hey you might never know. Look for places where you think people would hide games. I found a handful of games where the movies are. Check the pre owned section as well because there are some hidden in the back of the shelves.
Definitly! At first I thought it was going to be a Star Wars game because the aircraft you fly looked like the X-Wing
I would assume they had all the trailers up on YouTube already. Check out IGN's website and/or youtube channel. They might have them up already.
Gotcha. Watched a video on it. Doesn't interest me too much, but it looks like a rental to me. I'm pretty sure it'll be a good game though.
I really enjoyed Wolfenstein. I haven't heard anything on Enemy Front. I actually had 10 hours in my last saved file, but i'm going to start a new game so I can learn all the controls and remember the story.
Oh that's weird. You would think they would go i a certain order like the CoD, Mass Effect, Gears, GoW, Infamous, GTA series and more. But a friend of mine said each game has their own stories and I guess the combat differes from each of them. Well at least I know I can just pick any of them up in no specific order. Thanks mothman!