What is LEGO Dimensions? And I'm not sure about Happy Home Designer. I'll wait until you review it and then decide.
I have not, but I will.
What is LEGO Dimensions? And I'm not sure about Happy Home Designer. I'll wait until you review it and then decide.
I have not, but I will.
I salute you for your ability to stand in line and deal with all that. Nothing has come out yet that would make me want to give up precious sleep to stand in line at that time of night.
Sorry to hear about your dad. Lost mine to a massive heart attack almost eight years ago and I'm still missing him.
I think it resonated most with Baby Boomers.
I hear you, Joe. When people ask me if a game/book/movie/CD is good, I usually reply with "well, I liked it", because whether or not I like something has nothing to do with whether it's "good". Take the movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, for example. That's a seriously bad movie no matter how one looks at it, but I love it anyway. Then there are the critically acclaimed movies like Forrest Gump that everyone else seems to love and I found to be a huge waste of two and a half hours of my time. I think i even fell asleep at one point, I was so bored. But everyone who loved it is always telling me I'm wrong because I didn't like it.
Contemplating getting ready for work and dreading spending another day in the booth. Our booth people get laid off way too soon. Not even the 3DS can save me from the wretchedness of being trapped in a little box and having to smile and be nice all day. It's exhausting.
Now I'm going to go cry in a corner.
I tried reading the Heaney translation, but I still like the Donaldson translation I had to read for my college Beowulf class better. Heaney is one of Jason's favorite poets.
You may have just made my year with that bit of news.
Cook was extremely useful, because all those dishes restore either HP or SP, usually with added buffs to various attributes. I don't think I've bought a single healing potion since trying out the Cook Life.